Isshinryu Karatedo Dojo Kun
(Dojo Principles)
Article 1. The dojo is where the individual's physical and mental condition is trained.
A. Believe that there is a God and human beings are his children. (Believe in your own faith, but respect others)B. Military art (Budo) begins with a salute and ends with the same.C. Teachers and students bow to the protecting Goddess of Isshinryu (Megami) and be nice to each other.
Article 2. Devote one's mental concentration and practice sincerely during the course of training.
Article 3. Smoking and drinking are prohibited while training.
Article 4. Take good care of equipment used in training.
Article 5. Students be respectful to their teachers and teachers be courteous to the students and guide them properly
Article 6. Violators of the above codes will be dismissed from the dojo..

Ittsukan Okinawa Isshinryu Karatedo Kobudo is an Isshinkai Associate Member dojo and as such subscribes to the following standards:
1. Teach to the best of your ability what you know Shimabuku Tatsuo taught in Isshinryu.
2. Respect Tatsuo's symbol, the Isshinryu No Megami, which is a symbol that incorporates all aspects of Isshinryu. Shimabuku Tatsuo had a vision of the Megami and started Isshinryu only after his vision. It was his dream and now the Isshinkai will try to keep his dream from fading by teaching and passing on the teachings of Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei - Isshinryu Karatedo.
3. Teach Shimabuku Tatsuo's Kenpo Gokui and the Dojo Kun.
4. When you make a mistake about Isshinryu, correct your mistakes.
5. When teaching Isshinryu, tell the truth and do not embellish.
A J Advincula, Kaicho Isshinkai